It's bee keeping and swarm season again here in Dallas Texas! Yoo hoo! Let the fun begin! It finally got warm enough to move the little group of gals in our Nuc(small 5 frame box of bees) to their beautiful new top bar hive. We had no idea what we would find after a...

Grow Your Own Food Right Where You Are!

Let’s face it growing your own food can be a mystery, especially if you have never done it before. My passion is to show you how to grow your own fresh organic groceries right where you are!
Backyard Bee Keeping
Get a glimpse into our Spring; Bees and Potatoes!
First a bit of quick news: Tonnie R won the Baker Creek Seed giveaway. Congrats Tonnie; have fun picking out your seeds and planting them! If you were not the lucky winner then you can still get your seeds here:Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds You'll have to pay for...
A New Home For Our Bees; The Building of a Top Bar Hive!
Remember that little group of girls I picked up in a swarm trap last Spring? If you need a refresher see the video here: You might also remember that they had an enemy to contend with right out of the shoot, so to speak. The...
Invasion of the Small Hive Beetle!
If you have been following along on my bee keeping adventures, you will know that I caught not one, but two swarms in the Spring. See how I caught a swarm in my trap here. When I was putting the second swarm into a hive box I couldn't help but notice a lot...
We Caught a Swarm of Bees In Our Trap, Again!
Our new set of girls making themselves right at home. We haven't talked bees in a while because we have had a lot going on in the garden. I have to say that this "hobby/science/obsession" is one of the most exciting and fascinating things I have ever done in my life!...
Bee Update; Where is the Queen?
The day I installed a package of bees in my top bar hive. We are about to embark on a camping adventure in Oklahoma. My sweet friend loaned us kayaks and everyone is super excited! While any normal person would be packing the day before vacation and deciding which...

Hi there, my name is Anne-Marie, but my friends call me Dash from the -dash- in my name. My homestead journey started out with one prayer. “Please help me get nutritious, organic food for my family.” Wow, I was surprised how God went about answering that prayer! …..Read More!