Hi Friends, as always Spring is a crazy busy time of year. I have been planting, weeding, rabbit raising, chicken chasing, kid raising and bee swarm catching. Wow, that’s a lot. Oh, but it’s fun!
The Spring weather, as usual, has been crazy! Many people North of me have lost their gardens to hail, torrential rain and high winds. Let’s take a moment of silence for those who had to plant all over again…….. There is something just so wrong about nurturing seedlings into strong healthy plants just to have them stomped on by Mother Nature!
Here at Bloom Where You’re Planted my gardens are rockin on! I might not have lots of acres to spread out in, but I do have a huge wind break, my house! My front yard garden faces South so my house blocks most of the awful North wind. However, my motto is “Never plant more than you can cover until last possible freeze date has passed”(April 15th for Dallas) If you live in Dallas it’s safe to get out there and plant!

We are having salad with eggs on top for breakfast every morning! We have lettuce, onions, garlic, beets, Swiss Chard, Kale, Spinach, Bok choy! Tomato plants are growing strong! Can’t wait for that first vine ripe tomato! The Summer crops of basil, squash,peppers and melons have just been planted and are just settling in. Loving fresh food again!

I also picked up a sweet little swarm of bees last week. Thank you to my friends Elisabeth and Heidi, who remembered my love for bees! My beautiful Princess caught the whole thing on video. THE WIND AND WAVES STILL KNOW HIS NAME!