Did you know that chickens can get the chicken pox! I know! Who knew? So my chickens have come down with a case of fowl pox, which is a fancy name for, the chicken pox. My poor chickens have scabby sores all over their combs and wattles!
Watch our video and find out how they got fowl pox in the first place and how to treat it. Also see which breed of chicken, in my flock, holds the record for laying 364 days a year! Can’t wait for that first egg!
Let me know in the comments; Have your chickens ever had the pox? How did you treat it? Also, who has an Australorp? Are they really amazing egg layers?
Happy Homesteading! Dash
Thank goodness our chickens have never had fowl pox but I learn something new everyday. Found you on Simple Homestead Blog Hop.