We took the window, that this wonderful weather has provided us with, to check on our bee hives. For those of you that are just tuning into our bee adventure; we have a top bar hive, which we named Queenie and the Jets. This is a small but determined group of girls. See How this hive got started with an exciting split from our Langstroth hive in the Fall, here.
We also are blessed with a Langstroth hive full of an intense, high strung, strong group of girls that we call Blondie and the Girls. See the story of this hive here.
There have been lots of people following along on our newbee adventure. Thank you to everyone who has cheered us on and given us advice! My daughter suited up for the first time and helped me film a video of our Winter check on the hives. She was amazing! She also got her first sting from a bee. The only part exposed were her hands so that she could work the camera. Maybe Blondie and the Girls didn’t like being filmed because they sent a scout to check out the camera, ZING right on the hand. She was a trooper and took it all in stride. With 4 brothers she has to be tough. So, instead of reading about it, you can watch it this time. We had some good news and some bad. Well, you’ll see. Enjoy.
Oh, we are newbees so if you advanced bee keepers see anything out of the ordinary please give me a shout in the comments or email. Thanks!
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I enjoyed watching your bee hive update, it looks great and it was nice to see a hive near where cars were going by! Thank you for helping the environment.
I’ve enjoyed your bee posts, Dash. Thank you for sharing your experiences!