When we started out 1,000 subs seemed like an unreachable goal, but now here we are! It was definately more of a marathon than a sprint; we learned a lot & had so much fun along the way. We also got a lot of encouragement and support from you guys. Thank you!
We wanted to give back by sending you some encouragement from our homestead to yours. So enter to win these fun gifts from Bloom Where You’re Planted! See our celebration/give away video here: https://youtu.be/XCPMUc7jmug

Happy homesteading! Good Luck!
Scroll down to leave me a comment. Then come back up & check the (I commented box) to complete your entry.
Sorry the give away is over, but we still love to hear about your homesteads!
You guys know all about us; we can’t wait to hear a little about your homesteads.
I will be sending updates on our homestead adventure via email from contestant entries. I promise I won’t spam you & you can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you for being part of our adventure!
Your YouTube channel and blog are amazing! Thank you for doing what you do. You are inspirational and uplifting. I look forward to your new videos! I too live in North Texas, so it is REALLY helpful to see how other gardeners are both successful and deal with our challenges here in Texas. Keep up the good work! God bless……
Hello there from the greater Cincinnati area. We live in a subdivision, so we don’t have any livestock yet (but we are looking for land so we can in the future). In the meantime, we are striviing to bloom where we are planted by raising as much produce as we can in our small space. Your story resonates so much with me! My husband works for our church, so the income is low and funds are tight, but God is good! My 3 year old watches your channel with me over breakfast and loves it (especially the bees)! Thanks so much for the inspiration and encouragement.
Yay! Congratulations! Hope this is the beginning of endless growth!
Thank you Laura, I am glad you got to enter.
Blessings, Dash
Hi Amanda, So fun to hear your story. I am so excited that you watch with your son. Me and my 8 yr old watch our favorite channels before bed. It is our special time together. Yes, God is sooo good.
Blessings Dash
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
Blessings, Dash
Gratz on making 1000 subs on YouTube!! I’m on the other side of Fort Worth from you. I just started gardening, but so far my favorite things to grow are cucumbers and zinnias!! They make me so happy. Thank you for all the info you share on your channel. It’s helped me a lotand inspires me on days I struggle to get outside in the heat.
Dash I’m so grateful I found your channel on YouTube and blog. The way you homestead and situation is so similar to ours. It is nice to have someone like you to teach, encourage and share. Even though we wanted land to homestead but can’t/couldn’t there’s a lot I can do right here in my yard. I just wish I would have had this going a long time ago. But hey better late than never. The name you chose is perfect and should apply to all kinds of situations. So I’ll just Bloom Where I am! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations! Enjoy your down to earth attitude and helpful ideas. Thanks for sharing your daily life with us. Looking forward to seeing and sharing in your continued growth.
It’s so nice to find someone who loves our Father and gardening in Texas too!
Hi Dash, I’m local to you – Denton, TX, and I have enjoyed your channel so much. I don’t have the space to have chickens, but I am considering bees and rabbits but I don’t know that I have the space for both. And, I do have my backyard garden. I look forward to hopefully meeting you one day – I visit North Haven Gardens as well.
Your Slogan “Bloom where you’re planted” is a loving instructional encouraging message!
This slogan blew me away. I have been in hard situations and I have needed our fathers encouragement. This slogan had been given also from the father. So, when I saw your video and heard of your story, i was greatly encouraged!
My garden Ohio homestead garden is also in my front yard, I love to grow onions, tomatoes, peppers, and green beans.
May God continue to bless you ( Dash ) and your gardening.
Truly enjoy your videos. Love your story and your faith. So-o glad that you are posting. It is hard to find information concerning the DFW area. It has been very helpful. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
I love your YouTube videos, such fun to hear your story. As far as homesteading, we left a 56 acre homestead in Vermont where we had bees, chickens and a very large garden and moved to Oregon to be near our four grown children and grandchildren. We are currently on a VERY small lot but have big plans to eliminate the majority of the lawn and create gardens. Hope to have a couple of chickens as well. Not ready to give up my garden and preserving yet!
Hi Nancy, That must have been hard to leave, but those relationships are what really makes life worthwhile right? I would move across the world to hold grandbabies too!
You will turn your lawn into a garden like me! Food not lawns! It is surprising how much you can do with a little lot.
Blessing, Dash
Thank you Vickie, You’re words are so encouraging!
Blessings Dash
Thank you! Isn’t it amazing how our Father brings things together like that. Your words are very encouraging to me!
Blessings, Dash
Hi Teresa, Sounds like you have a sweet little homestead. I would love to meet. I think I should do a meet up sometime. Maybe in Fall when it is not so blasted hot! Thank you for sharing about your homestead. So fun to hear a little about what others are up to!
Blessings, Dash
Hi Angie, What a sweet comment. Yes, look forward not back. Thank you for all your encouraging comments. They mean the world to us!
Blessings, Dash
Thank you, Tiffany
Zinnias are my fav! They are so bright and cheery and yet soooo tough! It is so fun to know that I encourage others the way people encouraged me! Thank you for telling me that.
Blessings, Dash