I truly do have the best neighbors! My sweet friend/neighbor donated a scarecrow to the front yard garden and another friend/neighbor donated a very nice shirt and straw hat for him to wear. So my daughter and I are busy stuffing this new man in the garden with straw. Being a city girl, I am seeing him totally as my new Fall decoration. One of my sweet neighbors stops by, who grew up on a farm, and points out that this IS A REAL SCARECROW and quite possibly will work to scare away unwanted varmits. O.K. I took a moment to have a good laugh at myself because this never even occurred to me! Remarkably, we have seen a marked difference in the squirrel visits to the front yard garden since I invited this new man into my life.
My daughter, who is the namer of all things on the homestead, insists on calling him Gilbert, while I think Mr. McGregor is more appropriate. Whatever the name, I for one, am thankful for his new intimidating presence on the homestead. Welcome Hombre de miedo! “Man of Fear”