Let me first say, that the day before the first freeze is a tense one for a gardener. You know that all the work you have put forth is out there hanging on the vines and if it remains there after dark, well, wave good-bye to all that food! Society is not what it used to be, for better or for worst. Now days, at least the people I hang with, DON’T CARE ABOUT THE HARVEST AND DON’T EVEN KNOW THAT IT IS GOING TO FREEZE THAT VERY NIGHT! I know! Crazy!

I went about my day, before the freeze at work, teaching and helping. I pretended all was good, when really, there was an underlying urgent part of me that wanted to scream; “FOR GOD’S SAKE, DROP WHAT YOU ARE DOING PEOPLE AND GO HOME AND HARVEST!”
When I was a new gardener, I was sooo proud of myself, that I had overcome great odds and actually produced food and a lot of it!!! I had also had coerced, begged and bribed my children to help me harvest it all, just in the nick of time. Then….
I had NO idea what to do with it. (We are talking about a city kid who was used to eating boxed mixes. I didn’t even know what kale looked like and had never tasted a fresh tomato) You get the idea.
Well, fast forward a few years and this is no longer my first rodeo folks. I now know that part of gardening is planing ahead for the harvest. I also know just how to store things, like green tomatoes, to get the longest life and use out of them. In the video I show what I harvested and tell what I will do with each thing to turn it into yummy goodness. I also share my secret to storing onions, potatoes and those green tomatoes. I hope this inspires you to, not only grow your own food, but know what to do with it after harvest.
If you have some great things to do with the Fall harvest please leave it in the comments. Particularly if you have an idea of what to do with Ghost peppers. Those things are HOT y’all!!! Like weapon of mass destruction hot!!
I am sooo thankful for the harvest!
Blessings, Dash
Hello, again! It very well IS an intense time! Maybe you should use them for pest control, if you’re not going to put them into hot sauce? That would be a good idea if you have problems in the garden. A lot of critters don’t like peppers! I don’t remember if I’ve covered that on my blog at the moment (maybe only touched base), but it can be used in liquid or dry mixes.
So – we’ve started using hot peppers in our pot roasts and some sauces. We don’t cut them up; just remove the seeds and cook them otherwise whole. Then, prior to serving, remove the pepper so it doesn’t accidentally get eaten! A friend of mine also does this with her cucumbers when making pickles… adds a nice punch, but doesn’t make it so hot it’s inedible.
Worth a try with a small pepper!
Thank you for your harvesting adventure!
Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Blogger Recognition award… i enjoy following along, we have many of the same ideas and beliefs and it’s always better to share the road! This recognition is rather like your blog hop; a way of getting other’s blogs out and about. If you’re interested in finding out more about the recognition you can check out our last post here: https://wingandaprayer.live/2018/11/30/recognition/
I loved being introduced to you while watching the home grown food summit! I just watched this video and I’m interested in the hot sauce recipe you talked about. I didn’t see where you linked to the recipe – you mentioned you would post it in the video.
Thanks so much!
Hi Renee, Sorry I will go check that in the video description to make sure it is there. Here it is:https://bloomwhereyourplanted.com/dash-de-fuego-sweet-spicy-hot-sauce/
Hope you like it as much as we did! Blessings, Dash