Sweet Potatoes and Seed Tape

by | Sep 25, 2017 | Front Yard Garden | 0 comments

There are some things I see in the movies that I will probably never get a chance to do. For instance, I have always secretly wanted to search for buried treasure. I know I am NOT the only one who has a secret wish to dig up something amazing at the end of a long search shrouded in mystery. Well, thank goodness I am blessed with an amazing imagination!


Whenever I dig into my sweet potato pit at the end of Summer I feel a little bit like I am unearthing treasure. See how I made my sweet potato pit here The mystery is; how much sweet treasure will I get? Will I have little to show for my efforts, or will I hit the MOTHERLOAD?!

I can’t help myself. I get excited about the simple things. It wasn’t always like this. Years ago I caught myself just surviving. Have you ever found yourself just plodding through each day and then the day after that, surviving. I didn’t even know I was caught in this mode of just existing, until a friend introduced me to the wisdom of John(quoting Jesus).

The thief enters only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest. John 10:10

I decided I wanted that full or abundant life that John talks about in the bible. Turns out, for me, it wasn’t so easy to just decide and bask in the results of that decision. God had a round about path for me to get there. I was mentored by the most amazing people, who had walked before me and made the same decision. People who were living what I wanted to live. They were my leaders in a program called Celebrate Recovery. It is a recovery program that is not just for addicts, but for those of us that want that joy filled life. When you grow up in a home like I did, you learn to survive well. So well, infact, that you just keep doing it, and doing it, and doing it. Joy, well, not so much of that.

I am excited to say that I live a different life today. I have sipped from the living waters and overflow with JOY! I hope it splashes out on the people around me!


Plant a sweet potato pit and have the adventure of unearthing buried treasure at the end of Summer! We made a video of unearthing our buried treasure. Also, we made seed tape for the first time. They tried it at the community garden last year and had great results growing lettuce and carrots! Enjoy.

Blessings from our homestead to yours, Dash & family

This post was shared on The Simple Homestead Blog Hop

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Hi there, my name is Anne-Marie, but my friends call me Dash from the -dash- in my name. My homestead journey started out with one prayer. “Please help me get nutritious, organic food for my family.” Wow, I was surprised how God went about answering that prayer! …..Read More!