After the bobcat attack, we are starting over with a new flock of future egg laying divas! They are sooo sweet! The sound of their chirping is magical. We will have them inside in a brooder box for a few weeks. It is warm enough now here in Dallas TX to put them outside, but after recent events we are holding these littles a bit closer than usual. That and the fact that it is too hot in our garage to put them in there.
Since we find ourselves starting over with baby chicks we are seizing the opportunity to train our homestead dog to see them as her flock. It is going great so far. She is a muttled mix of Anatolian Shepherd and Golden retriever; we think? So she might become our nighttime protection unit, but first we have to get her off the Princess’ bed;)
My talented Princess captured our new beginning on video, along with the dog training session. Don’t miss the slow-mo where our chick “Dizzy” runs dangerously close to the homestead dog’s mouth! There is always one in the bunch that is a little bit….. well, let’s just say dizzy is a perfect name for her! Enjoy!
Happy homesteading, Dash & family!