Winter is a time of rest for a bee keeper, but it is also a time of waiting & hoping your bees are doing o.k. in there. You don’t see your bees much at all over the cold dreary months. You begin to wonder; is everyone alright in there?
Then Spring bursts forth and so do your bees! It is exhilarating, thrilling and more than a little hard to keep up with! I love it! All three of our hives made it through Winter and sailed into Spring full force. Our Spring has been filled with cross comb, swarms & the sweet taste of honey!

I could talk on and on about it, but I know you guys would rather see it. So here are the latest videos on our bee keeping adventure! Enjoy!
Happy Homesteading! Blessings Dash
Great timing on this one:) We just got our first bee package and brought them home- the homing went excellent! Not a single sting, a healthy queen and even our pup enjoyed the action.
I am so excited for you guys! I am so glad it went well! Top bar or Lang?
Hi Dash, I enjoyed hearing about your beekeeping adventures! I would love to have you share your adventures on a brand new homesteading hop…Farm Fresh Tuesdays! I hope you’ll stop by. 🙂