It Was Meant to Bee! Our latest bee keeping Adventure!

by | Sep 5, 2018 | Back Yard Bee Keeping, Homesteading Community | 2 comments

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One thing that surprised me about bee keeping was the relationships that would come along with it. I love the honey, but the friendships are even sweeter!

Many hands and ages helped art up the hive box with me! A huge thank you to all my artists! We came up with the perfect name for this little swarm, that we picked up in Spring, off of a friend’s patio roof. Thank you Elisabeth!

Watch the video to find out what we named this sweet little hive and to meet my wonderful friend Henry. It was an amazing weekend filled with good food, good friends and grand adventures! Enjoy:

Please leave a comment. I love hearing from ya’ll.


  1. Michelle Lewis

    Wow what an adventure. Can I ask how big of a space you have that your keeping the hive in?

  2. Dash

    Hi Michelle, I am glad you liked it.
    This hive is in a big open area behind Henry’s barn. Hard to estimate the size. They are on a couple acreas.
    My top bar hive is in my chicken yard which is about 20′ x 30′ Then it leads into my backyard. I have my compost in my chicken yard and the bees don’t bother us. One trick is to face the entrance towards a fence or bush. It causes the bees to come out and go up over the structure and out of the way.
    I have a hive at my sister’s house that is in the corner of her backyard. They have a corner lot so it is bigger than most. I would say 50′ x 50′? They have a croquet court and the bees haven’t bothered us yet.

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Hi there, my name is Anne-Marie, but my friends call me Dash from the -dash- in my name. My homestead journey started out with one prayer. “Please help me get nutritious, organic food for my family.” Wow, I was surprised how God went about answering that prayer! …..Read More!