Let me just start by saying that I have great admiration for people who have a heart for helpless things. If you know me well you know that I do not possess this particular quality. Well, I did pretty well with helpless human babies and thank God I don’t have any helpless human teenagers! I am talking about the furry, feathered or scaled kind here. Maybe I feel this way because IT IS SOO HARD TO REPLICATE NATURE SUCCESSFULLY. I have tried a time or two and failed miserably.
When my son first started raising Holland Lop rabbits he was waiting expectantly for that first batch of babies. The first time rabbit mom had a big batch of 8 little furless alien looking babies which she didn’t seem to know what to do with. Let me just say that when you are suddenly left in charge of raising 8 little squirming, hungry, helpless things IT IS NOT THE TIME TO RESEARCH HOW TO DO IT! It was a heart wrenching experience to say the least. My point in bringing this up is not to illuminate my inability to be prepared in an emergency, rather so that you can learn from my mistakes.

If you are raising backyard rabbits then this will eventually happen to you. You too will find yourself tucking helpless little creatures in places that you never thought you would to keep them warm. You too will be running all over town trying to score some kitten formula and searching for the tiniest bottle known to man. I am happy to say that I covered those bases for you! I know, you are welcome.
My friend Kristi and I went to a permitted wildlife volunteer the other day to find out just how to successfully raise baby rabbits that have lost their mother. She was super nice and wait for it….she had a front yard garden also! If you raise rabbits on your homestead or just want to know how to care for those baby cottontails that your dog manages to find every Spring then this video is for you. Or maybe you just need a huge dose of cute right now! Enjoy!
I will put links to the supplies needed down below the video so that you can be prepared. I know I will be ordering some!
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