My kids always ask me what God created mosquitos for. I imagine something eats them, like bats, and it would totally make the circle of life come to a screeching halt if they were eliminated altogether. Let me just say, and I know I am not alone, complete annihilation seems like the way to go here!
My city is trying to do just that or at least cut down the numbers of this irritating disease carrying insect. However this spraying for mosquitos affects another insect; our bees! Did you know that bee keepers alert each other about the areas being sprayed? Did you know that urban bee keepers keep a close eye out for these alerts and take steps to protect their bees?
Find out in our video how to protect your bees from harmful insecticides being sprayed by the city. I also share my favorite products to protect you and your kids naturally. Best of all I share how to set mosquito traps around your property to destroy these pest before they ever become a problem!
Here are some links to the things I use to protect my family against mosquitos. These are affiliate links, which means that if you order them we get a small percentage at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting us at Bloom Where You’re Planted!
This post contains an affiliate link for your ordering convenience. If you order through this link I get a small amount sent to me at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting our homestead at Bloom Where You’re Planted!
Ooo! Thank you for the recommendations! We’ve been dealing with a mosquito PLAGUE here recently!