Have you ever had one of those days, that at the end of it, when you put your head on your pillow,you let out a long sigh of contentment. Last Saturday was one of those days for me. My husband and I were going to his cousin’s property to open up a mystery box(maybe an old rusty dishwasher?) full of bees. Our mission was to move the bee hive that was inside the dishwasher to a Langstroth hive that could be managed and provide honey for their homestead in years to come. Now who, I ask you, can resist a mission like that? I am all in for a bee keeping mystery adventure! It gets better….wait for it….I got to uncover this mystery with some of my favorite people!

Cindy and Eric were amazing the way they just jumped in there in the thick of it to help wrangle those bees! They were so chill! Just being surrounded by the frenetic buzzing noise can send some people running. Not these guys; they were all in! My wonderful Knight in Baseball Cap and Jeans did a great job of capturing it all on video. It was a really special day.
We had no Idea what we would find or if we could find the queen!?! Come along on our latest bee keeping adventure:
Happy homesteading and bee keeping!
Blessings, Dash
Totally awesome! Great job! I learned a lot. Not that I’ll likely ever use it…. knowledge for better understanding and fuller gratitude for all the wonder.