A few weeks ago we had a fierce storm here in Dallas. Our power was out for 24 hours, but that wasn’t the part that was alarming. The scary part was that the grocery stores around us were out of power also.
“ It is in a situation like this that we are reminded how important it is to learn how to grow/raise our own food.”
This video is all about how to grow a great crop of Fall tomatoes here in the South. I found it to be a little bit tricky. I am so grateful to the people who showed me the ropes when I was a newbie tomato grower! I hope I can help someone else learn how to grow these delicious juicy red orbs!

Happy tomato growing! My wish is, that you too, have tomato juice dripping down your chin out in the garden this Fall!
If you have a tomato variety that you love leave it in the comments. We all want to know! Blessings, Dash