The other day my son (6 years) and I had a serious moment in the garden. We had to say good bye to the “Sweet 100” cherry tomato plant. Moment of silence here…
Cherry tomatoes are his ultimate favorite thing about the front yard garden! Every morning he would say, “Mom, going out to check for tomatoes, be back in a minute!” My favorite time is when he came out wearing one of the super hero costumes someone had given us. This time it was Iron Man.
Imagine my astonishment when Iron Man came to the front yard garden asking for tomatoes. I gave him all he wanted, after all, how do you say no to Iron Man!

Why did this particular tomato plant bite the dust? Because I was too late in treating it with our new weapon. I know, I know, stellar parenting failing to protect Iron Man’s favorite plant!
Let me explain: I have an insidious enemy attacking my tomato plants, one that loves the hot weather, preys on weakness and is invisible to the naked eye. This Insidious enemy is non other than ….drum roll please…. the Spider Mite! One minute your tomato plants are doing great then the next day you notice a yellowing on some leaves. Some of them are turning brown like the life was just sucked out of them. IT WAS, JUST SUCKED OUT OF THEM, by yours truly the spider mite, invisible foe that he is!

To find out if it is the diabolical arachnid enemy that your fighting; you can either peer at the undersides of the leaves with a magnifying glass or shake your diseased looking plant over a white piece of paper. If you see a tiny spidery being crawling around then you have yourself a problem, a BIG, BIG INVISIBLE problem! These little mites attack most when your plants are at their weakest, in the hotter than Hell period. Every gardener is just hoping to nurture their tomato plants through this period. If you accomplish this feet then you are golden, if not then you are toast, or in my case a HUGE, HUGE disappointment to the Iron Man in my life!
So how do we defeat this enemy and have a plentiful Fall harvest for all the Super Heroes that might happen by? With Mite Massacre! This organic spray is made with a unique oil soap blend with pesticidal and fungicidal properties not found in any other product on the market. Mite Massacre is all-natural and safe to use on any food crop. They do field tests to see if their product works, and it does! The company is Elementnutrients and the product they produce is called Mite Massacre.
I don’t brag about anything before I have used it myself. The tomato plants that I used it on are producing copious amounts of tomatoes. The plants I didn’t use it on, well let’s just say; There will be no sweet treat for Iron Man today folks. My son said it best, when he said sadly, ” I think it is time to just pull this plant out mom, because there is no more life left in it.” If I could do it again I would leave my Super Fantastic hybrid plants out in the cold. Forget about the Juliet cherry/roma tomato variety! What really mattered, at least to Iron Man, was the Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes that did so well last year! What was I thinking! Use this new organic technology and don’t disappoint the Iron Man in your life!
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