Well the much anticipated meeting with the city went well, I think. Yes, they actually came to my house to show me what changes they wanted to see to my garden fence! The good news is it looks like they are going to work with me and let me keep the garden. However, the bad news is I have to make my pallet/picket fence more consistent. Meaning the pickets all need to be the same size and spaced equally. Oh my, that is easier said than done! I spent the weekend searching for similar pallets and replaced 3 sections. It looks like the city is happy with that.If you want to know how to make a picket fence out of pallets click here
I have been super busy trying to finish the fence around my front yard garden. Just finished painting all the pallet/picket sections for the last side of fencing today. Whoo hoo!!! Hopefully I will have it all completed this weekend and the city can come look, measure and, keep your fingers crossed, approve it. In case your new here and wondering what’s going on this link will fill you in.The rest of the story. Here is how the garden looks so far.
I am definitely “out of the box” for the City of Richardson. In fact I don’t know anyone who has a garden even close to this. The really cool thing is I am getting a lot of support! Five of my neighbors wrote letters in favor of my garden. People come by all the time when I am out there working and say how much they like it and I make new friends. I really hope this will encourage others to do the same. I love being able to just walk outside, pop a cherry tomato in my mouth savoring the delicious tartness. I like to putter around while watching butterflies fluttering drunkenly by in the cool of the evening. So while I am physically exhausted I would do it all over again. Next time I will check my ordinances better though.
This section of fence must be shorter because anything over 2 1/2 ft requires a permit. They politely indicated that they would not approve a permit for this fence. GRRRR! Not sure how I will go about cutting my fence but where there is a will there is a way and there is definitely a will; a VERY STRONG WILL!
I think when I get it all completed and approved I should have a garden party! Any ideas for the menu? Shout out and help me plan a neighborhood garden party! If you want to know how it all turned out click here.