Wow, what an amazing start to the New Year! Let me catch you up: Thinking my Knight in Baseball Cap & Jeans was going blind! Good News; He is going to see out of his blind eye for the first time in his life! The blind will see!!!...

Grow Your Own Food Right Where You Are!

Let’s face it growing your own food can be a mystery, especially if you have never done it before. My passion is to show you how to grow your own fresh organic groceries right where you are!
Farm Life
We hiked over the ridges and back; find out why we didn’t finish the loop!
We are back from our hiking trip! It was amazing. We saw beauty, that people seldom see, around every corner. We pushed ourselves and then some! I told my hubby, going over the ridges is like having a baby; you know the next contraction is coming, but there is not a...
Update in the Fall Garden
Join me as I kick the comfrey beast out of my garlic/herb bed! See what is growing great in the Fall garden. Also, join us on as we go on our last practice hike before our big 28 mile hike in Arkansas. I love Fall gardening! Hope you are getting out there in your...
Going in Circles; Hiking up Lord’s Hill
This post is a little bit different than others that we have done. To be honest, sharing this with you makes us feel a little vulnerable, but God has asked us to share it with you and we always try to do as our Father asks. Many of you know that we are training for a...
Learn How to Make Kombucha Tea!
I have been brewing Kombucha tea for years. Although some members of my family staunchly refuse to even taste it, most of us love it! It gives me more energy. I ask you, who is going to say no to that? It aids in our digestion, is great for gut health and helps my...
How to Defeat Mosquitos on Your Homestead!
My kids always ask me what God created mosquitos for. I imagine something eats them, like bats, and it would totally make the circle of life come to a screeching halt if they were eliminated altogether. Let me just say, and I know I am not alone, complete annihilation...

Hi there, my name is Anne-Marie, but my friends call me Dash from the -dash- in my name. My homestead journey started out with one prayer. “Please help me get nutritious, organic food for my family.” Wow, I was surprised how God went about answering that prayer! …..Read More!