I know you looked at that headline and thought, "Doesn't that happen in the Spring?" Well, welcome to Texas. Because of our hotter than Hell Summers, we do things a little bit different down here. At least when it comes to rabbits. Rabbits are a Winter animal, hence...

Grow Your Own Food Right Where You Are!

Let’s face it growing your own food can be a mystery, especially if you have never done it before. My passion is to show you how to grow your own fresh organic groceries right where you are!
Backyard Rabbits
Let me Introduce You to Your New Best Garden Buddy; Comfrey!
If you have animals, need a great fertilizing cover mulch or are ever in need of a healing salve, then you really need to get up close and personal with Comfrey! A good friend gave me some little potted up Comfrey starts last Fall and I planted them in the middle of...
Bobcat Attacks the Homestead!
I sit here and stare at the computer screen and realize that I am at a loss for words. I just lost half the farm in one fell swoop. Thursday was a REALLY LONG day for us here at Bloom Where You're Planted. It just went on and on...... It started with the sound of...
How to Rescue Baby Rabbits and Keep them Alive!
Let me just start by saying that I have great admiration for people who have a heart for helpless things. If you know me well you know that I do not possess this particular quality. Well, I did pretty well with helpless human babies and thank God I don't have any...
A Silent Killer on the Homestead!
Have you ever had one of those times when you are walking along, pretty confident. Things are going your way. Maybe you even have a bit of a swagger or a skip in your step and then something comes out of nowhere and hits you right behind the knees. Your down, the wind...
A Healing Homestead
When I was first beginning on my urban homestead, I was so interested in how everyone else did it. What did their chicken coop look like? How about their veggie garden, in-ground or raised beds? How do they keep their rabbits cool in the heat of the...

Hi there, my name is Anne-Marie, but my friends call me Dash from the -dash- in my name. My homestead journey started out with one prayer. “Please help me get nutritious, organic food for my family.” Wow, I was surprised how God went about answering that prayer! …..Read More!