I am so excited to announce that we have baby chicks joining the homestead! I love that sweet sound they make. There are two main sounds; one is a calm chirping kind of chatty sound, that says;" I am good. Everything is good. I am secure. All is well with my world."...

Grow Your Own Food Right Where You Are!

Let’s face it growing your own food can be a mystery, especially if you have never done it before. My passion is to show you how to grow your own fresh organic groceries right where you are!
Backyard Chickens
Looking Forward and Back; It’s a Brand New Year, the Sky’s the Limit!
With this post I wanted to remind people that this... Started like this... In the beginning I thought 2 beds in my side yard, where I got sun, was what I needed. Once I realized that I needed to put a fence around those 2 beds to keep out the rabbits, I decided to...
Getting Ready for Freezing Temps on the Homestead; How to help your animals get through.
One thing about raising animals, is that you are on duty no matter what! Ice, sleet, snow, hotter than Hell, no matter the weather conditions, you are in the middle of it for better or for worst. Hey, I remember hearing that about something else? Oh yeah, that promise...
Backyard Chickens; Not Flying Under the Radar Any Longer.
I told you I would keep you updated on my sweet friend that was "flying under the radar" of her HOA rules to have a small flock of chickens. Well, I am sad to say that she is no longer "flying under the radar" She has been found out and reported! I told her early on...
Book Review; Locally Laid by Luci B Amundsen
My husband and I used to have a date night ritual of; wait for it...going to the grocery store together. It sounds really lame when I see it written out like that. Way before we had chickens and rabbits and veggies galore, what we had was toddlers and a lot of them....
Warning; Chicken Tractors Might be Chicken Killers in the Texas Heat!
I love chickens so much I painted a picture of them. I am entering it in the State Fair of Texas! Let me start off by saying that I love chickens. The eggs, the entertainment, the poop! What is NOT to love about chickens. So I encourage everyone to get their own...

Hi there, my name is Anne-Marie, but my friends call me Dash from the -dash- in my name. My homestead journey started out with one prayer. “Please help me get nutritious, organic food for my family.” Wow, I was surprised how God went about answering that prayer! …..Read More!