Grow Your Own Food Right Where You Are!

Let’s face it growing your own food can be a mystery, especially if you have never done it before. My passion is to show you how to grow your own fresh organic groceries right where you are!

Backyard Bee Keeping

The Bee Keeping Saga Continues!

The Bee Keeping Saga Continues!

Looking for the queen or evidence of her;brood or baby bee larvae. Wow, I had no idea managing a hive of bees was going to result in such a roller coaster of emotion! I was not kidding when I said I was impatient, so although I was told to wait a full week to check in...

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Hi there, my name is Anne-Marie, but my friends call me Dash from the -dash- in my name. My homestead journey started out with one prayer. “Please help me get nutritious, organic food for my family.” Wow, I was surprised how God went about answering that prayer! …..Read More!