The Homestead Mom; Tenderhearted Yet Fierce!

by | Nov 4, 2015 | Homesteading Community | 0 comments

My sweet son, who is nineteen, gifted me with a lovely bouquet of flowers this week. Why, you ask? Just because. Apparently, I am the best mom EVER! I know! No matter what happens in the month to come my heart will still smile. My car might break down, still smiling. The toilet might stop up, still smiling.

Flowers for mom!

Later that night an opossum was slinking around the coop when I went out to shut the girls up. Out went this same sweet spirited young man to protect my egg laying divas. The funny thing is, that when we got in from all this excitement my son started laughing. It was that type of building chuckle when you can’t catch your breath. Smiling I asked, “What is so funny?” When he contained himself, he replied, “Mom, I swear, you were just as excited about the defeat of the opossum as you were the flowers!”

Yes maybe, just maybe, homesteading moms are a breed of a different sort. I love the soft, smelling good, beautiful, gentle things of life. On the other side, when my kid’s breakfast of eggs is threatened I can be fierce. Baby animals melt my heart and yet if I need those same grown animals to feed my kids, I can do what needs to be done. I love the outdoors, but am so thankful that I don’t have to live in it. The sweet smell of a rose makes me tingle all the way down to my toes. At the same time I love animal manure of all kinds, because I know it will super grow my food. I love having my car door opened for me and yet I can shoulder a 50 lb bag of chicken food if I need to.  I love to be pampered, yet I can work till I drop. My heart fills to bursting with just the thought of my family. Then it fills again even more with the thought of my Savoir and the sacrifice he made for me, while I was still a sinner, so that I might live a life of abundant joy!

Join the discussion; As a homesteading mom do you feel a little different than most moms you know? Give us an example of how a homesteading mom or woman is different. What about wives or husbands, this is a good time to shout out something you find amazing or confusing about your homesteading spouse!

Please leave a comment. I love hearing from ya’ll.


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Hi there, my name is Anne-Marie, but my friends call me Dash from the -dash- in my name. My homestead journey started out with one prayer. “Please help me get nutritious, organic food for my family.” Wow, I was surprised how God went about answering that prayer! …..Read More!