Bee Update; The Wind and Waves Still Know His Name!

by | Apr 6, 2016 | Back Yard Bee Keeping | 0 comments

Hive in it’s permanent position down by the creek behind the community garden.

I am sad to report that the swarm I captured decided to find another home. I only had them for two days and was so disappointed to go visit the hive, only to see them gone. It took a few days to post this because ,at first discovery, I was so disheartened. Then I talked to my Father in Heaven and realized a few things. As humans, when we want something, success means getting it and enjoying it. Maybe this wasn’t about having the bees at all. Maybe the adventure/lesson was in the journey and the success in getting it?

Having the swarm delivered virtually right to my front door was like getting a kiss on the cheek from my Father. I will remember it for the rest of my life! My sweet friend summed it up; when she heard the news, she said, “The wind and waves still know His name.”

If you haven’t heard the story about how Jesus calms the storm, you can find it in Mark 4:35-41 . It is one of the most exciting stories of all time! It seems not so much has changed from over two thousand years ago to today!

For me the journey was getting up that ladder. I really was pretty scared. I was proud of myself that I went straight to my Father to ask for help. It took me ALL year to learn the lesson;that when I feel fearful in any situation, right then is when I need to ask Him in for help. It is when I get fearful, that I have a tendency to try to figure things out on my own and sometimes blunder things up but good. As I ascended the ladder I kept looking around at the sky, the tree, THE GROUND. As I looked at the “wind and waves” I became paralyzed with fear. It was when my brother-in-law said focus on the hive, that the tide of fear turned. I focused on the hive and the fear left me enough for me to continue on.

Afterwards, talking to my Father, I realized that it reminded me of how I feel in the storm of life when I keep my eyes on Jesus. It is when I approach a hard task, consciously pushing away all other thoughts and say” I trust You, Jesus.” that the spirit of fear/the enemy is defeated!

I have no doubt that My Father will fill up my hive to bursting with bees. Sometimes He answers in a supernatural awesome way(my personal favorite) and sometimes he answers through the people around us. Sometimes(the times I dislike the most) he makes us wait for it. Not sure which time this will be, but I know that He is faithful and that the wind and waves still know His name!

A new friend who read this is teaching me how to bait a swarm. I will show you how we do it in the posts to come,so stay tuned. The adventure has just begun!

Please leave a comment. I love hearing from ya’ll.


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Hi there, my name is Anne-Marie, but my friends call me Dash from the -dash- in my name. My homestead journey started out with one prayer. “Please help me get nutritious, organic food for my family.” Wow, I was surprised how God went about answering that prayer! …..Read More!